Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board’s vision is for a county where all adults can live a life free from abuse or neglect. Our aim is to do this by working in partnership with the citizens of Nottinghamshire, along with statutory and non-statutory agencies, to deliver a joined-up service to those adults at most risk of abuse and neglect, across the county.
For further information visit:
The Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership provides the safeguarding arrangements under which the safeguarding partners and relevant agencies work together to coordinate their safeguarding services. The partnership is responsible for identifying and responding to the needs of children in Nottinghamshire, commissioning and publishing local child safeguarding practice reviews and providing scrutiny to ensure the effectiveness of the safeguarding arrangements.
Under the partnership safeguarding procedures and guidance are provided to help practitioners work together to safeguard children. A programme of multi-agency training focused on local need is provided and safeguarding practice is monitored through multi agency audits, case reviews and performance information.
For further information visit: