Primary Care Support England

Ophthalmic Ophthalmic Performers List & Payments via PCSE Online

Online Ophthalmic Performers List
The easy-to-use online services for Performers List administration and applications is web-based, and accessible via PCSE Online, and available for users 24hrs a day. These online Performers List services will:

  • Enable Ophthalmic Performers to submit and track changes to their details on the Performers List, such as a change of address or name (NPL2 & NPL3).
  • Provide Optometrists with the ability to apply for the Performers List electronically (NPL1).

Online Ophthalmic Payments
The easy-to-use online services for Ophthalmic Payments, just like the Performers List services, is web-based and accessible via PCSE Online, 24hrs a day. The online Payments services will:

  • Provide the facility to submit GOS claims with immediate feedback on the accuracy of the information provided
  • Allow users to track the status of claims and view statements.

Please click here for more information.

Please click here to see video tutorial ‘how to enter a GOS 1 form on-line’

Please click here to see video tutorial ‘how to view your statements’

The PCSE website can be found at: